Welcome To Talking Blind

Your blindness does not define who you are ,you are so much more.
(just like we are all a working progress, so is this site)

Loss of sight, not loss of vision

Many people lose their sight to different things such as diabetes, at birth, accidents, cataracts, macular degeneration, and more. It is very important to always pay attention to your eyes and things that may go wrong. And reach out for tools and resources to continue a productive life.

You’re still you

Losing your vision does not mean the end of your world. Life still goes on and so can you. Right here on Talking Blind is where you can learn just how to do that and hear about others who have.

Talking Blind

Shining a different light on vision impairment. In the areas of socialization, education, employment, independent living, children and family, and so much more.